Banner de Look Wide Pearson

Look Wide. Think Wide. Learn Wide.

Look Wide is a 4-level series for 11 to 15-year-olds with a unique combination of education, culture and language for 21st Century students. Accessibility, flexibility and compliance with curricular requirements are other added key values to make Look Wide the ideal choice for your secondary school students.

Características Look Wide Pearson

Banner de Look Wide Pearson

Interactive digital book

Banner de Look Wide Pearson

Teacher's resources

Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level Starter
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson LEvel 1
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level 2
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level 3

Students resources

Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level Starter
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level 1
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level 2
Tapa de Look Wide Pearson Level 3


For students
  • Student’s Book with Workbook
  • Online resources
For teachers
  • Teacher’s Book
  • Online resources
  • Class Audio files
Imagen ilustrativa de Look Wide Pearson


LEVEL Student's Book Teachers' Book
Starter 9789876154666 9789876154420
1 9789876154574 9789876154437
2 9789876154635 9789876154444
3 9789876154642 9789876154451